Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Oct. 15th: Remembering Our Babies

Just an Update...
Friday, September 19, 2008
My Life with Kelsey

Thursday, August 28, 2008
Thanks, Salty Sam

Recently there's been some media attention here over a story that tugs at the heartstrings of many central Illinois residents who grew up in the 1960's and 1970's.
Friday, July 18, 2008
The Birds
My wise, experienced 7-year old

Monday, June 30, 2008
A New Little Miracle
Monday, June 16, 2008
The Blessing of Loss

Monday, June 9, 2008
Remembering Abby

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Laptop Lust

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
The frustration of Toaster Strudel

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Monday, May 5, 2008
It's a Lonely (Meat-Free) World

Will it EVER end?

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Hail to the Orange

Gettin' my on-air Buzz
Monday, April 28, 2008
And more on music...
The Power of Music

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I'm lovin' it - the sweet tea, that is

I want to send a thank-you to McDonald's.
After 30 years, I've managed to grow disgusted with pretty much everything on their menu. While my kids can hardly wait to scarf down their chicken nuggets and fries (something I've done a good job of turning into a "treat" rather than a "routine,") I personally cannot stomach most anything on the menu anymore.
I'm not sure how it happened... "Supersize Me" only kept me away for a few months. But somehow, somewhere along the line, I've finally maxed out the McDonald's I can handle. Apparently I've hit my quota.
Well, other than when it's McRib time.
And now, the sweet tea.
I've always liked sugar in my iced tea, but I've also always been equally happy to drink it without. But I got sucked in by advertising and while visiting one of our local golden arches establishments a few weeks ago, decided to give the sweet tea (which I know to be a southern staple) a try.
So, now I'm hooked. Trying to dissuade myself, I looked up the nutritional information today. It appears the sweetener used is actual sugar. (Check: if it had been anything artificial, my sweet tea days would be over.) And there are 230 calories in one large sweet tea. (Check: Ok, that's a lot... but it's still almost 1/3 of some sodas and less than a lot of my favorite Starbucks drinks, so I'm technically still ahead of the game.) I haven't compared the actual sugar content of the sweet tea to that of soda or my favorite latte.
And then of course there's the cost - $1 for a sweet tea or $4 for a Starbucks nonfat vanilla latte. Hmmmmm....
Interestingly, I also learned that the McDonald's sweet tea has been available in other parts of the country for up to at least a year now. For some reason, I hadn't even thought about that possibility. When we lived in California, McDonald's introduced the fruit and yogurt parfait and "Eddie" commercials to go along with it. A full year later when we were back in central Illinois, they debuted it here. I remember feeling so worldly - I'd been able to buy them for so long already. Ha!
Why is that, I wonder? After all, we're supposed to be considered a magical "test market." Our area got the first crack at clear pepsi and those disposable bibs... why are we getting the shaft from Mickey-D's?
But there must be something going on... two weeks ago the husband and I had lunch at a new deli in Peoria that features sweet tea on their menu. And I noticed a local cafe here in Pekin is advertising it now too.
I find it interesting that in this health-conscious environment we live in, we're all happy to pour about a cup of sugar into our tea and drink it.
Oh well... it's here now, and I'm hooked. Figures. But I guess it could be something worse!
My Life Before Kids
Don't think the irony of this story being about a time capsule is lost on me...
But since I've finally figured out how to post videos to the blog, here it is...
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
The Business of Being Born

Since I'm sharing videos... this is a classic for any TV news junkie. I really need to buy this episode for my kids... the other songs on it are even better!
The World News Now Polka

Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Wacky Wednesday
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Bad Sports

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Sharing the Love

Got Milk?

Ten Random Things
Monday, February 18, 2008
ADPi for the weekend
This past weekend I traveled to Michigan with the women I advise from Alpha Delta Pi at the University of Illinois and the women of several other chapters to attend our District Leadership Conference.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Obama Song
Breastmilk and Stem Cells

Someone alerted me to this article on the Science Alert website in Australia. The bold-ing is mine.
Just Keep Swimming...
Today has been a tough day. My brain surgery was 3 months ago today. Today I had my third immunotherapy treatment. I have also cried 3 ti...

Recently, my 7-year old son discovered Toaster Strudels. You know, those freezer-to-toaster pastries that are probably chock-full of horribl...
When we got married, I said I wanted to have four kids. I think Edgar thought I would change my mind. After 12 years of marriage, he now kno...
From time to time, the subject of cow's milk comes up with me. It came up again this weekend, which is prompting me to post this. In o...