Monday, April 28, 2008

And more on music...

A while back I started to compile a list of songs that reminded me of people or events in my life. The songs that link me to those memories like a hyperlink on the internet... you know, inevitably the song comes on and your mind automatically "clicks" back to that connection.

I didn't get very far in my list at the time, but it didn't take long to realize a lot of the songs had to do with men. Or rather, boys. This is not really surprising. I'm very sentimental, a hopeless romantic, and I get attached to people pretty easily. This is not an especially good combination for a teen-aged girl and as a consequence, I ended up with more than my share of heartbreak. The trend continued even into college, when the romantic in me spent a fair amount of time expecting "the one" to show up at any time. 

But a lot of songs in my head are also attached to specific events or other memories - vacations, funny nights out, sorority stuff. It's gotten so that if I'm listening to a station that plays "older" music, it doesn't take long before the strains of some song make me smile in remembrance.

So, for the sake of some fun, I'm going to try to compile some of those songs and memories here. Excluding some names, of course... if they're actually reading this blog, they'll know who they are.

1. "Truly, Madly, Deeply" by Savage Garden
- Came out when Edgar was moving to CA and to this day, my only regret is we didn't dance to it at our wedding. It really is "our song."

2. "Think" by Information Society - a boyfriend in high school wrote out the words to this song and gave it to me as a gift. I, of course, considered this the most romantic gesture ever. (geesh)

3. "Escape" by Rupert Holmes (The "Pina Colada Song") - throwing back shots of tequila after snorkeling while on spring break in Cancun with my sorority sisters

4. "Something to Talk About" by Bonnie Raitt - my best friend in college suggested this as a funny song for us since our friendship created a lot of speculation. Oh... did I mention he was a male? LOL! Our friendship ended badly and I'm still pretty ticked at him about it all these years later. Coincidentally, this song is played like EVERY single Friday afternoon on the local lite rock station, so I hear it while I'm cleaning. And I love me some angry vacuuming... very therapeutic!

5. "Young" by Kenny Chesney - same best friend from college, happier memories. 

6. "Need You Tonight" by INXS - a college boyfriend serenaded me with this song very early in our relationship. To this day, one of my best memories. (And I'm not just saying that because I think he reads the blog!)

7. "Nobody Knows it But Me" by the Tony Rich Project - was popular on the radio at the time of a break-up in college, couldn't get this song out of my mind for a week. Every time I hear it, it brings back that dumped, alone feeling.

8. "We Are Family" by Sister Sledge - what sorority girl DOESN'T have this in her memories? LOL! "We are family... I've got all my sisters with me..."

9. "December 1963 (What a Night") by The Four Seasons - "You know we're glad to see you back again, once you're here you'll never be the same, what a house we're A-Dee-Pi." Enough said.

10. "All I Want for Christmas is You" by Mariah Carey - every time I hear this song, I am a college girl on Christmas break waitressing at Yesterday's all over again. It's useless to resist.

11. "Cowboy Take Me Away" by the Dixie Chicks - heard this when I was out with a friend after I knew for certain my grandmother was dying. The lyrics, "fly this girl as high as you can into the wild blue... set me free oh I pray... closer to heaven above and closer to you..." hit me hard. My grandmother did die a few months later.

12. "How Forever Feels" by Kenny Chesney - driving into work with the top down in Monterey, CA... specifically, coming down the hill from the Presidio into downtown Monterey.

13. "Wide Open Spaces" by the Dixie Chicks - leaving my family and moving to California

14. "Angel" by Sarah MacLachlan - staring at the back of my best friend's head and the butterfly banner on the wall at the funeral of my goddaughter Natalee, who had died unexpectedly at birth four days earlier. Two years later, I still tear up every time this song comes on the radio.

15. "I Hope you Dance" by Lee Ann Womack - the birth of my first child. I heard this song a lot after he was born, and even framed the lyrics for the nursery.

So that's 15. And yes, there was a lot of googling involved to be sure I didn't mess up song names or artists. Because as noted in the previous post, my musical prowess is seriously lacking. Somewhere I think I should start keeping a more comprehensive list, I know this is just the tip of the iceberg...

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